WomenFitness India

Anusha Dandekar Turns On The Heat On Our April Issue!

anusha dandekar

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Physical fitness is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle, how do manage your workout routine? How many times in a week do you workout

Ms. Anusha Dandekar

I do not have a routine honestly. I always start something, get super into it, then a shoot or my business gets too busy and I stop. But I love to rotate all the things I love and lucky all the people who train me are so patient with my sporadic approach. Gymnastics is my all-time fav, then Pilates, tennis and ballet. I cannot go to a gym because I find it boring and I don’t actually know what to do there. I much prefer outdoor activities like hikes and running on the beach, love it!

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Mental fitness goes hand in hand with Physical fitness, how do you take care of your mental health? Do you meditate?

Ms.Anusha Dandekar

This is so important and I am so glad everyone is opening up more about it. I struggle to meditate, I am such a hyperactive person. My mental health is usually taken care of by really good music, writing down my thoughts and gratitude, countering the negative with positives, and the good things I learned from the experience and journey. Watching comedies and talking to my friends and family. 

anusha dandekar

Ms. Namita Nayyar

You talk about self-love, a message for our readers on how to prioritize loving oneself over toxic relationships in 2022

Ms. Anusha Dandekar

Honestly dig deep and ask yourself why you thought you were in such a relationship. We always accept the love we think we deserve, so why did you think you deserved toxic? And when you dig deep and finally see your worth, don’t make excuses or blame anyone for why you stayed. Understand that you had to go through it to grow through it… and the best part is you made it and now you know who you are and what you want and deserve so much better, so go get it!

Know More About Anusha Dandekar

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President of womenfitness.org, and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

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