WomenFitness India

15 Most Googled Weight Loss Questions!

Soumya Rao, is an ACE certified fitness coach and nutritionist, along with being a fit mom to a 10 year old son. After facing challenges with her weight and other post pregnancy issues, Soumya decided to take the fitness route and found success by losing over 22 kgs!

most googled weight loss questions.


Soumya joins us at Women Fitness to answer the most googled weight loss questions.

1. What is the best way to lose weight fast?

Losing weight fast depends on the body type, gender, genetics, age and also current fitness levels. And it also mainly depends on how much you stick to the plan till you reach your final target. It requires lots of will power, sacrifice, determination, dedication, and ofcourse ,lots of  hardwork with a burning fire. Only skinny fat people like ectomorphs (skinny and thin) can lose weight fast as they are blessed with the fast metabolism. Rest 2 body types like mesomorph (muscular yet has some fat) and Endomorphs (has lots of fat and struggles a lot to lose) have to put some extra efforts. So considering all these calculate your macros (protein+carb+fat), and then create a calorie deficit, eat a low carb, high protein diet. Stick to the plan till u see the results.

2. How do I lose 10 pounds in a week?

This is highly impossible because it does not sound healthy. 

3. What is an unhealthy rate of weight loss?

Losing weight drastically with crash diets, extreme cardio is very unhealthy. At the end you will be left with lots of loose, dull, life-less skin and stretch marks. Slow and steady weight loss of 3-4 kgs per month which is achieved in a scientific way is always healthy.

4. Does apple cider vinegar help burn belly fat?

It actually reduces the blood sugar levels. If you take Apple cider vinegar post meal it will reduce insulin spikes. Insulin is responsible for belly fat, when it’s less then there is less fat accumulation around the belly. 

most googled weight loss questions.


5. How can I lose weight in a month at home?

By following the right diet, home workouts, HIIT, Body weight workouts, power yoga, walking, running and dancing.  

6. How much weight can you lose in a month in gym?

It depends on the individual, because everyone’s body responds differently.

7. Best weight loss motivation quotes?

It’s now or never. Imagine yourself 6 months from now. Be the best version of yourself.

8. How to beat the weight loss plateau?

By changing the diet and workouts each month to break the monotony and keep it challenging and interesting.

9. Best Protein shakes for weight loss?
most googled weight loss questions.


There are no fatloss protein shakes but there are some protein shakes which help in muscle synthesis. Whey, BCCA, glutamine help in building the muscle and thus increasing the lean muscle mass. More the lean muscle, higher the metabolism and thus your body becomes a fat burning furnace.

10. What is the best thing to drink to lose belly fat?

Sadly there are no drinks which help in losing belly fat. You have to follow a right diet and work out plan to lose the belly fat. 

11. How can I get slim fast without exercise?

Then its only a Diet. By following certain strict diets you can lose only for some time. But to increase the metabolism it should be combined with exercise. Diet alone won’t help in the long run.

12. What foods to eat to lose belly fat?

Eat lots of high fibre veggies, greens, good carbs, good fat and high protein. Avoid completely  sugar, starchy carbs, junk and fast foods.

13. Is working out 30 minutes a day enough to lose weight?

It’s not sufficient. 40 mins cardio + 1 hr weights training is always recommended.

14. How long does it take to see results from diet and exercise?

Again it depends on the individual’s body type and genetics and where they stand in Fitness. 

most googled weight loss questions


15. Which exercise burns the most belly fat?

Jogging. But you have to bring down your overall body fat percentage to see your belly shrinking. To see six pack, body fat percentage should be below 10% for males and 15% for females.  But that’s for athletes and body builders. For common people it should 15 % for males and 20% for females.  

Follow Soumya’s journey on: 

Instagram: @soumyarao

Facebook: Soumya B Hedge

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