WomenFitness India

Exclusive Interview With India’s First International Level Women Bodybuilder Karuna Waghmare

Karuna Waghmare

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine?

Ms. Karuna Waghmare:

If I’m in the process of training for a specific competition, it really depends on the competition and its requirements.

If I’m not competing, I like to focus on strength training. So I lift heavy weights for lesser counts and repetitions.
I ensure I get one hour of cardio everyday in the form of spinning, or on the cross trainer, stair climbing, etc. I like to bring in variations in my cardio routine to ensure my body doesn’t get too comfortable or used to one particular form of exercise, which can delay or hinder results.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Tell us about the diet that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit? Also, tell us your Top 3 favorite recipes.

Ms. Karuna Waghmare:

I eat 6 solid meals in a day. My body has a tendency to gain muscle mass very easily, so my ratio of protein intake is lower compared to other athletes. My protein normally comprises of 3 egg whites plus 1 yolk, or 50 grams of chicken/ goat meat/ fish per meal.

If I’m training for a competition, my diet depends on the requirements of the competition and the proportions I need to maintain. However, during these times I’m usually on a low carb, high fibre diet. I tend to consume tons of dark green vegetables like zucchini and broccoli.

If I’m not in the midst of competing, I love to eat healthy carbs like purple rice, quinoa, brown rice, etc.
I consume a few essential fish oils everyday. The fatty acids keep my joints lubricated, my energy up, and help in losing stored fat.


Karuna Waghmare


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have represented India at the 46th Asian Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championships in China. Share with us your training and diet schedule for the International Level Competition.

Ms. Karuna Waghmare:

This was my first international competition and it was an eye opening experience for me. I reached there only to realise how inexperienced and clueless I was. I remember watching the other athletes, all a lot more ripped and prepared than I was, feeling extremely ill – prepared.

For my diet, I had maintained a low carb, high fibre diet with lots of lean meat and green vegetables.

The physical training is where I made mistakes. Although, at the time, I thought my 3 days of cardio and 3 days of strength training routine was working perfectly, I later realized I was lacking conditioning, which made my overall physique look incomplete for the competition.

Although it was very disappointing, it was a huge learning experience for me. India was still new to the world of female bodybuilding and I realized I’d have to do educate myself about the competitions to ensure I don’t make the same mistakes again.

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President womenfitness.org and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

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